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Obchodní název

Φελιοσ ΚΑΙ Συνεργατεσ Δικηγορικη Εταιρεια

Felios and Associates Law Firm | S A Felios and Associates LAW Firm (translated name)

Phelios KAI Sunergates Dikègorikè Etaireia | S A Felios and Associates LAW Firm (paraphrased name)

Obchodní jméno S A Felios and Associates LAW Firm
Νεοφυτου Βαμβα 10 10674 - Αθηνα

Neophytou Vamva 10 10674 - Athens (translated address)

Neophutou Bamba 10 10674 - Athèna (paraphrased address)

Stav DIČ Aktivní Neaktivní National Registration Only
VAT Registration Date
16. únor 2022
KYC Check
KYC / PEP / AML request
This data is incorrect?
Sources: VAT information: Independent Authority for Public Revenue of Hellenic Republic (www.aade.gr)